Not all products are the same, and a one-size-fits-all return window may not suit every item in your store. The return timeframe can vary depending on the product’s nature.
You can use Custom Return Windows to set a different return window for specific products.
For the purpose of this article, we will have products with a separate 10-day return window using a “10days” product tag in Shopify.
Creating a Custom Return Window
We will use a Product Tag in Shopify to determine which product should have the 10-day Custom Return Window. To add a product tag in Shopify, follow this guide.
1. Open the Returns drop-down menu
2. Click "Settings"
3. Open the "Returns" tab
4. You need to have Custom Return Windows enabled
5. Click "Add new return window"
6. Add a name to your Custom Return Window
7. Select "Days"
8. Add the number of days here
9. Fill "10"
10. We will now add a condition
11. Select "Product tag contains"
12. Add the Product Tag here
13. Fill "10days"
14. Click "10days" to add the tag
15. You can add more tags, or remove a tag by clicking the x
16. Click "Save"
17. Your new Custom Return Window will show here
18. The Custom Window will be inactive. Click this toggle to enable it
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