Returns: Analytics Dashboard

  • Updated

The Returns Analytics Dashboard provides an overview of your returns and exchanges, offering insights to optimize your processes and improve customer satisfaction. Easy access to detailed metrics lets you make informed decisions to maximise revenue retention and improve overall business performance.



Using the Analytics Dashboards

The analytics dashboard provides an overview of your returns processed with Swap. The filter options allow you to filter through your data over a period of time. This data displays returns on orders created with Swap, not all of your returns on Shopify.


⚠️ Not all filters are available on every dashboard tab.

  • Date created: Filter returns by RMA creation date.
  • Return type: Filter by return type (e.g., exchange, refund, recycle).
  • Order status: Filter by order status (e.g., Cancelled, Closed, Needs Review).
  • Country: Filter by customers’ countries.
  • Vendor: The store from which the return order originates.
  • Shipping status: Filter by shipping status (e.g., Pre-Transit, In-Transit, Delivered).
  • Shipping carrier: Filter by carrier (e.g., DHL Parcel, Royal Mail, USPS).

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  • Product: Filter by product.
  • Variant: Filter by variant (e.g., size, colour).
  • Date Closed: Filter by the date the return was processed.
  • Return Reason: Filter by return reason (e.g., wrong size).
  • Orders tags: Filter by order tags (e.g., free shipping).
  • Product tags: Filter by product tags (e.g., free shipping, no return).

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Key Indicators

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Top Row Indicators

  • Retained Revenue: This shows the total revenue retained after returns are processed.
  • Retained Revenue Ratio: This percentage represents how much original revenue is kept after returns.
  • Exchange Revenue: This displays the total revenue generated from product exchanges.
  • Exchange Ratio: This percentage shows the portion of returns that are exchanged.

Retained Revenue Over Time Graph

  • Line Graph: This graph visualizes the retained revenue over a selected time period. You can observe trends, with peaks indicating high retained revenue days and valleys indicating lower retained revenue days.

Outcome Performance

This data displays how the various return outcomes are performing. This includes Exchange, Shop Now, and Shop Later Credits.

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  • Shop Now Revenue: This indicates the ‘Shop Now’ credit revenue.
  • Shop Later Revenue: This shows the ‘Shop Later’ credit revenue.
  • Refund Ratio: This percentage represents the proportion of revenue that was refunded.
  • Outstanding Refunds Owed to Customers: Any open returns that have not been processed yet.
  • Refunded Revenue: Revenue associated with customers' items indicated they would like to return. This comprises open and closed returns, meaning that it is the total refunds requested in the selected period and not necessarily the total amount of approved refunds.
  • Refunds Paid Out to Customers: This is indicative of refund requests that were approved (processed), meaning that a refund has been initiated in Shopify
  • Shop Now Ratio: This percentage indicates the portion of revenue from ‘Shop Now’ credit.
  • Shop Later Ratio: This shows the portion of revenue from ‘Shop Later’ credit.

Shipping Status

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Shipping Status by Number of Orders and Total Value

  • Pre-Transit: This shows returns that have yet to be shipped.
  • Own Label: This indicates returns shipped using a customer's own shipping label. (Self Shipping)
  • In-Transit: This shows returns currently on the way.
  • Green Return: This indicates returns that will not be shipped back to the store.

Refund Breakdown and Shipping Carriers

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Refund Breakdown % by Region

  • Pie Chart: This chart shows the percentage of refunds distributed across different countries, helping identify where most refunds originate.

Shipping Carriers %

  • Pie Chart: This chart displays the percentage distribution of shipping carriers used for returns, highlighting the carriers that are most and least used for returns.



Returns Reasons

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Top Row Indicators

  • Returns: The amount of returns processed through Swap. It is pictured in a graph showing the returns over time.
  • Products: The number of unique products that have at least one return. It is pictured in a graph that shows the number of unique products returned over time.
  • Returned Items: The total amount of items that have been returned. It is pictured in a graph that shows the number of returned items over time.

Returned Items and Return Reasons

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  • Returned items per country: This list gives insight into how many returned items come from each country.
  • Top 10 most returned items: This list displays the most returned items.
  • Top 10 reasons for returning: This list gives insight into the most picked reasons for returning.




This dashboard displays information about the store's recycling feature.

⚠️ Not every store has access to this Dashboard. You need to be a user of our Recycle product.

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Top Row Indicators

  • Total recycle returns: total number of recycle returns.
  • Total products recycled: total number of products included in the recycle returns.
  • Total recycle credit issued: Total number of recycle credits issued.
  • Estimated CO2 saved (kg): Estimated amount of CO2 kg saved from being emitted.
  • Total life extended of clothing (months): Estimated number of months the item life has been extended.
  • Recycle breakdown by material: shows the materials of the products recycled.
  • Recycle breakdown by product: shows the products recycled.

Recycle Orders and Recycled Products

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  • Recycled orders: a table that displays all the recycled orders
  • Recycled products: a table that displays all the recycled products



Quality Control

⚠️ You need to have Quality Control enabled to have access to this dashboard.

This dashboard shows information about the quality control of the products returned.


Quality Control Status, Intake Reasons, and Unsellable Items

  • Orders Quality Control Status: The status of the product intake.
  • Products’ intake reason (not Sellable): The reason unsellable products were taken in.
  • Quality Control Status over time (delivered date): The Quality Control Status per delivered date.
  • Top 15 products not sellable: Top 15 products that come back unsellable.



Elapsed Times

This dashboard displays the information about the elapsed times between three events, namely:

  • Purchase date
  • Return request
  • Return delivery

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Elapsed Days Graphs

  • Average elapsed days (monthly) from Purchase to Return Delivery: This refers to the average number of days it takes from the time a purchase is made until the item is returned and delivered back.
    • Purchase to Return Request: The time elapsed between an item being purchased and the return for the item being requested.
    • Return Request to Return Delivery: The time elapsed between requesting a return for an item and receiving the requested return back.
  • Elapsed time between Return Request and Return Delivery (by Carrier): This refers to the average number of days between the return request by the customer and the return delivery by the carrier.




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Top Row Indicators

  • Total Orders: The number of orders placed within the selected date range.
  • Ordered Items: The total number of items ordered.
  • Returned Items: The number of items that have been returned.
  • Return Rate: The percentage of items that have been returned.
  • Orders with Returns: The number of orders that included at least one returned item.
  • Orders with All Items Returned: The number of orders where all items were returned.

Orders and Returns Over Time Graph

  • Line Graph: This graph shows the number of sold and returned items over a selected time period, helping to track trends and spikes in returns.

Top 10 Highest Sale Rate

  • Bar Graph: This graph displays the top 10 items with the highest sales rates, helping to identify popular products.

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