Custom Fees in Swap Global

  • Updated

The custom fees section allows you to create as many custom fees as you like, which will be charged to the customer at checkout.

All custom fees created will be displayed and can be edited or deleted, and new custom fees can easily be created.

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Custom fees have been incorporated into Swap shipping zones. Therefore, they can be found on a shipping zone’s page in the Swap dashboard. Since custom fees are set per shipping zone, different fees can be charged for different shipment destination countries.



Types of Fees

You can create two types of fees:

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Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 8.49.14 AM.png

Fixed Amount

Fixed fees are a set price, regardless of the order. These are assumed to be in the store’s base currency.


Percentage fees are a percentage of the order subtotal.

⚠️ If VAT-inclusive pricing is enabled, the order subtotal will be the sum of the pre-VAT product prices, not the subtotal displayed on Shopify that includes VAT.




At checkout, all fees for the shipment’s destination country will be calculated and added to the Duties & Fees section of the breakdown.



Order Details

Once an order is completed, all fees will be displayed on the dashboard's Fees section of the order’s details page.

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